How Social Commerce is Helping the Philippines Economy

March 20, 2023

Social commerce is a new trend that is rapidly transforming the way business is done in the Philippines. It is the use of social media platforms to sell products and services directly to consumers. Social commerce is a fusion of social media and e-commerce, where businesses leverage social media to reach customers and drive sales. In the Philippines, social commerce is helping to boost the economy by creating new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs, especially in the micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) sector. This article will explore how social commerce is helping the Philippine economy.

The Role of Social Commerce in the Philippine Economy

Social commerce is an emerging trend in the Philippine economy, and it is fast becoming a significant contributor to economic growth. According to a study conducted by the Philippine Statistics Authority, the e-commerce sector in the country grew by 14.8% in 2019, with a total revenue of Php 109 billion. This growth can be attributed to the increasing adoption of social commerce among businesses and consumers.

Social commerce is particularly beneficial for MSMEs, which make up over 99% of registered businesses in the Philippines. MSMEs face various challenges, including limited resources and access to capital, which make it difficult for them to compete with larger businesses. Social commerce provides MSMEs with a cost-effective way to reach customers and promote their products and services.

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have become essential tools for businesses to connect with customers and generate sales. Social media platforms have large user bases, which can be leveraged to reach a broader audience. These platforms also provide businesses with various features such as product catalogs, direct messaging, and advertising tools, which can help businesses promote their products and reach customers.

Benefits of Social Commerce for the Philippine Economy

Job Creation

Social commerce is creating new job opportunities for Filipinos, especially in the MSME sector. As more businesses adopt social commerce, there is a growing demand for digital marketers, social media managers, and e-commerce specialists. These jobs require specific skills, such as digital marketing, social media management, and e-commerce knowledge, which are in high demand in the current job market.

Increased Productivity and Efficiency

Social commerce is helping businesses in the Philippines to become more productive and efficient. Social media platforms provide businesses with various tools and features, such as product catalogs, direct messaging, and advertising tools, which can help businesses reach customers and promote their products effectively. These tools can help businesses save time and resources, which can be redirected to other important areas of the business.

Access to New Markets

Social commerce is providing businesses with access to new markets both domestically and internationally. Social media platforms have a global reach, which can help businesses reach customers beyond their physical location. This can help businesses expand their customer base and increase their revenue.

Support for MSMEs

Social commerce is particularly beneficial for MSMEs, which often lack the resources and capital to compete with larger businesses. Social commerce provides MSMEs with a cost-effective way to reach customers and promote their products. This can help MSMEs increase their revenue and compete with larger businesses.

Improved Customer Experience

Social commerce is helping businesses improve their customer experience. Social media platforms provide businesses with a direct line of communication with customers, which can help them address customer concerns and provide support. This can help businesses build a loyal customer base and improve customer satisfaction.

Case Studies: How Social Commerce is Helping the Philippine Economy


Lazada is an online marketplace that allows businesses to sell their products directly to consumers. The platform has over 10 million active users in the Philippines and provides businesses with various tools and features, such as product catalogs, direct messaging, and advertising tools, to promote their products effectively. Lazada has helped thousands of businesses in the Philippines to reach new customers and increase their revenue.

One success story is the case of Davao-based social enterprise, Great Women. Great Women is a business that empowers women artisans in the Philippines by providing them with training and resources to create handmade products. Great Women partnered with Lazada to expand its reach and increase its sales. Through Lazada's platform, Great Women was able to sell its products to customers across the country, including those in remote areas. This helped Great Women increase its revenue and support more women artisans.


Shopee is another online marketplace that allows businesses to sell their products directly to consumers. The platform has over 20 million active users in the Philippines and provides businesses with various tools and features to promote their products effectively. Shopee has helped businesses in the Philippines increase their revenue and reach new customers.

One success story is the case of the clothing brand, Avon. Avon partnered with Shopee to expand its reach and increase its sales. Through Shopee's platform, Avon was able to sell its products to customers across the country, including those in remote areas. This helped Avon increase its revenue and reach new customers.


Facebook is a social media platform that provides businesses with various tools and features to promote their products effectively. Facebook has over 76 million active users in the Philippines, making it an essential platform for businesses to reach customers.

One success story is the case of The T-Shirt Project. The T-Shirt Project is a business that creates customized t-shirts for customers. The T-Shirt Project partnered with Facebook to expand its reach and increase its sales. Through Facebook's platform, The T-Shirt Project was able to reach customers across the country, including those in remote areas. This helped The T-Shirt Project increase its revenue and reach new customers.

Challenges of Social Commerce in the Philippine Economy

While social commerce is providing significant benefits to the Philippine economy, it also faces several challenges.

Digital Divide

The digital divide is a significant challenge that social commerce faces in the Philippines. While social media platforms have a large user base, not all Filipinos have access to the internet or smartphones. This limits the potential reach of businesses that rely on social commerce.

Trust and Security

Trust and security are crucial factors in social commerce. Customers need to trust that the products they purchase are of good quality and that their personal and financial information is secure. Businesses need to ensure that they have secure payment gateways and that their products meet customer expectations.


Competition is fierce in the social commerce space. Businesses need to be innovative and creative to stand out from the competition and attract customers. This can be a challenge, especially for smaller businesses that may not have the resources to invest in marketing and advertising.

Social commerce is helping to boost the Philippine economy by providing new opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs, especially in the MSME sector. Social commerce is creating new job opportunities, increasing productivity and efficiency, providing access to new markets, supporting MSMEs, and improving the customer experience. While social commerce faces several challenges, its benefits far outweigh its challenges. Social commerce is a trend that is here to stay, and it will continue to play a significant role in the growth and development of the Philippine economy.

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